WOW Saddle Features
Headplate Width – Interchangable Headplates
WOW’s Flexi-Head™ gives you the biggest range of width fittings, in the same tree, which far exceeds any other saddle available today.
WOW™ tree has been proven to fit both the very highest withered horse to the very widest cold blood horse, with just the change of a headplate. However, if doing this it is likely that one may require a different panel.
Most saddle manufacturers will only supply trees with angles from 80 degrees (narrow) to 110 degrees (extra wide)
WOW™ offers a range of 73 to 143 degrees!
Headplates and Withers
The headplate provides the shape and form of the saddle across the withers to meet the build of the horse. Correct design and fitting are essential for a stable saddle that allows the horse freedom of movement without pain or injury.
The wither is the complex ridge of muscle and spinal bones between the shoulder blades of the horse. The shape is determined by the thoracic vertebrae that support the head and the neck, and are an attachment point for the muscles of the torso.
The shoulder rotates backwards using the muscles attached to the withers. A saddle that fits poorly across the withers will impact freedom of movement, and cause pain when the horse does move.
With muscle development having an effect on shape, then clearly as a horse moves in and out of development and training, the shape of the horse will also change.
The greater the movement you seek, such as in jumping, the more care you should take to maintain a good headplate fit.
The wither does effect the stability of the saddle. Care must be taken with high withered horses as their freedom of movement is naturally limited and a saddle can have significant impact on pain free performance. Broad withers (“mutton withers”) have a limited ridge-line to assist in keeping a saddle in place. This is often addressed “over-cinching”, creating a variety of other problems.
Interchangeable Headplates
An interchangeable headplate is essential. It allows a saddle to be adjusted to suit your horse, and as your horse changes shape over time, you can adjust the headplate to suit the musculature development around the wither.
Interestingly we see the need for this often within weeks of a someone buying a new saddle. The saddle fits, the horse can move more freely, the horse’s muscles develop accordingly, the saddle no longer fits properly. A slightly different headplate can be a big step in re-establishing a good fit.
Similarly as horses move in out out of work, a change in headplate may often be needed. They often move between two sizes – one for when they are in training, and one for when they first return to work after resting.
Quite a few saddles on the market have interchangeable headplates – none address it the way WOW does.

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Trusted by Professionals
Megan Davies tells us why she rates the WOW Jumping Saddle.
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