The benefits of WOW Saddles
The WOW Saddle Explained
There are four distinct parts to the saddle:
- The seat – you choose this to suit both you and the horse. It contains the tree, which is chosen for the horse, and the seat shape which is chosen for the rider. As long as you are comfortable and will stay with you as long as the horse, and will fit similar shaped horses.
- The headplate – links the shape of the saddle to the wither and back. You should change headplates to adjust to significant changes in the shape of the horse such as occur when a horse “muscles up” differently when moving in and out of training – or when they are being ridden in a saddle that fits properly.
- The panels – these carry the weight of the rider comfortably on the horses back, allowing freedom of movement while assisting to keep the rider in balance.
- The flaps – these are about the rider, the shape of their leg, how they ride and the style of riding. They are more than about comfort, they about positioning and stability of the rider, and safe riding. Like a seat, these tend not to change.
WOW 4 Ever
If you have purchased a WOW Saddle you automatically become a member of the WOW4Ever™ Club.
As a Supported Owner you have access to:
- Saddle fitting clinics to see the latest in products, held at various locations through-out the country during the year
- a free annual re-balancing of your saddle when you bring your horse to a clinic
- access to special events
- preferential pricing on saddles and components
- and as much advice as you could possibly want on your saddle.
Balance and Asymmetry
Balance and the Rider
Often a rider’s weight is slightly biased to one side, or the horse has an asymmetry due to skeletal issues or uneven musculature development. Or all of these things.
Put yourself in the “horses shoes”. A human head weighs about 5kg. Hold four bottles of soft drink in both hands arms outstretched above you head. Walk about 5 paces and feel how easy it is – balanced.
Now move the soft drink a bit off to one side, still above your head, and walk another five or six paces.
- Which is easier?
- How do the muscles feel?
- Which ones strain, compensate?
How would this feel if you did it running and instead of 5 kg you carried a sack of potatoes weighing fifty kg?
- How would you adapt if you did it every day?
- Would you perform well?
- Would you be sore?
Trusted by Professionals
Megan Davies tells us why she rates the WOW Jumping Saddle.
Industry Insights
Horses change shape – so should your saddle
It is a well-known fact that horses change shape Or maybe it is not – A horse can feel a fly land – so obviously changes in the rider’s weight distribution are going to affect the horse. I suspect we just do not appreciate how little change is needed to alter the way...
Sweat marks and Flair
As with most things Flair we have to think about this a little differently than the “stable myths” would have us think. For example, you are unlikely to have an even dampness from sweat under the saddle. The Flair is a soft air fill, it is designed to move with the...
Saddle fitting in your hands
Saddle fitting is complicated. Trying a lot of off-the-rack saddles will get a close fit. You can have them modified by a saddle-fitter. Better yet, you can have a saddler build a perfectly fitting saddle, which will fit when its built but cannot accommodate the...